Arrest Warrant Issued for Fan Accused of Aggravated Trespassing at Steph Curry’s Home for Autograph

Incident Description

Sheng Gao, 18, is facing a charge of aggravated trespassing for an alleged incident at the Atherton home of NBA Warriors star Steph Curry. Gao managed to access Curry’s property by manipulating the security gate keypad, granting him entry to the premises. Once inside, he proceeded up the driveway and entered the residence through an unlocked front door. His reported motive for this trespass was to obtain an autograph from Curry, highlighting the high-profile nature of the case.

Furthermore, it is essential to note that in addition to the aggravated trespassing charge, Gao now faces an arrest warrant due to his failure to appear in court, adding another layer of legal complexity to the situation. This warrant implies potential consequences and further legal proceedings that Gao will have to address.

Aggravated Trespassing Charge

This incident led to a misdemeanor charge under California Penal Code Section 602.5(b), which defines unauthorized entry into an occupied residence as aggravated trespassing. The charge is severe for several reasons:

  • Occupied Residence: The law stresses greater severity for trespassing in an occupied dwelling. This highlights the potential risk to residents’ safety.
  • Privacy and Safety Violation: The charge acknowledges the importance of home sanctity. California law protects the right to privacy and security in one’s residence. Treating this as a misdemeanor underlines the seriousness of such intrusions.
  • Legal Consequences: Aggravated trespassing can result in fines, imprisonment, or both. Penalties vary depending on the trespass details, including the entry method and the trespasser’s actions.
  • Intent and Circumstances: Gao’s alleged autograph-seeking motive will be considered in court. While not aggravating the charge, it provides context for legal strategies.

Connection Between Incident and Charges

Gao’s method of entry and his motive for seeking an autograph play a pivotal role in the aggravated trespassing charge. His deliberate actions demonstrate intentional trespass. Although his motive for an autograph appears less harmful, it still constitutes an unlawful act. Consequently, these elements will significantly impact the court proceedings. They will guide the prosecution to concentrate on the illegal entry, while the defense may highlight the non-violent nature of his intent.

Legal Implications of Arraignment Absence

Gao’s missed arraignment resulted in an arrest warrant. In California, skipping a court date disrupts the legal process and can lead to harsher consequences, including extra charges. This reflects negatively on the defendant’s commitment to legal obligations.

Potential Legal Consequences

If found guilty of aggravated trespassing, Gao may face fines up to $1,000 and a maximum one-year jail sentence. A conviction would result in a permanent criminal record, affecting future opportunities. Any damages caused may require compensation, and probation with specific conditions could be imposed. Non-U.S. citizens may face immigration consequences.

Gao’s failure to appear led to an arrest warrant. An experienced defense attorney could help negotiate surrender, seek reasonable bail, and guide through court procedures. The attorney will address both the trespassing charge and the failure to appear, working to minimize penalties and protect Gao’s rights.


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