Marina del Rey Shooting Suspect Charged, Faces Life in Prison if Convicted

On April 13, 2024,e Victoryloc Vinh Nguyen reportedly fired over 90 rounds in an unprovoked shooting spree at a Marina del Rey apartment complex, targeting civilians and law enforcement officers. Remarkably, no injuries were reported. In response, Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón announced multiple charges against Nguyen on April 16, 2024.

Charges Against Victoryloc Vinh Nguyen

Victoryloc Vinh Nguyen (dob 08/29/82) faces serious legal charges following his arrest for the shooting at a Marina del Rey apartment complex. The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office, on April 16, 2024, charged Nguyen with the following offenses under California law:

  1. Willful, Deliberate, Attempted Murder of a Peace Officer (Two Counts):
    • Penal Code § 664/187(a): Charged for the attempted willful, deliberate, and premeditated murder of two law enforcement officers.
  2. Attempted Murder – Willful, Deliberate and Premeditated on a Civilian (One Count):
    • Penal Code § 664/187(a): Accused of attempting to willfully, deliberately, and with premeditation, murder a civilian.
  3. Assault with a Machine Gun or Assault Weapon upon a Peace Officer (Ten Counts):
    • Penal Code § 245(a)(1): Faces ten counts of assault with a deadly weapon specifically directed at peace officers, involving the use of machine guns or assault weapons.
  4. Assault with a Machine Gun or Assault Weapon upon a Civilian (Four Counts):
    • Penal Code § 245(a)(1): Charged with four counts of assault involving the use of machine guns or assault weapons against civilians.
  5. Shooting at an Inhabited Dwelling (One Count):
    • Penal Code § 246: Accused of unlawfully firing a firearm at an inhabited dwelling.
  6. First-Degree Residential Burglary (One Count):
    • Penal Code § 459: Charged with entering a dwelling with the intent to commit theft or any felony therein.

Incident Overview

On the night of April 13, Victoryloc Vinh Nguyen allegedly initiated a violent shooting spree at a Marina del Rey apartment complex. Beginning around 10:30 p.m., Nguyen, equipped with two assault weapons and a handgun, reportedly moved through various parts of the complex, firing more than 90 rounds at residents and responding deputies. This prolonged attack lasted until the early hours of April 14, when law enforcement managed to apprehend him without using lethal force.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, along with other local law enforcement agencies, executed a rapid and coordinated response. Officers established a perimeter and utilized tactical units to locate and engage Nguyen. Their strategy prioritized public safety and effectively de-escalated the situation, resulting in Nguyen’s arrest without any return fire—a testament to the disciplined and controlled approach of the responding teams.

Following his arrest, Nguyen was charged and arraigned where he pleaded not guilty to all charges. The court set a preliminary hearing for May 13, 2024, at the Airport Courthouse, Department 31. This upcoming hearing will review the evidence and determine if the case should proceed to trial.

The court has set Nguyen’s bail at $5.275 million, reflecting the severity of the charges and the potential risk he poses to the community. This high bail amount is intended to mitigate the risk of flight given the gravity of the alleged offenses and the possible life sentences if convicted. This amount is also indicative of the threat to public safety perceived by the court, considering Nguyen’s reported actions during the incident.

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